
DDDART は、下北沢と言う音楽と演劇を中心としたサブカルチャーを代表とする地域の中で、アートと言う芸術表現や 新しい価値観、文化・表現を積極的に発信し、多くの方々へ届ける為に 2022 年に設立しました。




DDDART was established in 2022 in Shimokitazawa, an area that is known for its subculture of music and theater, to actively promote and deliver art, new values and culture to a large number of people. 

While its origins as a renovated old folk house, containing local and native elements such as a garden and living room, it has transformed into a new place of expression called a contemporary art gallery.

Inheriting the context of youth culture and contemporary art, we focus on planning and discovering artists not only in the Setagaya Ward and other areas of Japan, as well as overseas.

We will continue to work as a leading art gallery in the area to transmit culture and expression from Shimokitazawa to the world.

DDD ART 苑 ~sono~

DDD ART「gallery 苑」はベースとなった古民家 を最大限活用した和の展示空間と三つのコンセプ トルームによる構成になっています。

古民家という” 歴史” と” 和” が集まった空間と ” 現代” を象徴するコンテンポラリーアート作品 が入り混じり共存するこの空間は調和しつつ新たな可能性を提示します。

また名前の由来になっている「苑」と言う言葉は ” 芸術が集まる場” と言う意味を含み、アーティ ストとの交流や関係性の構築、文化・芸術の発信 地として活動しています。

DDD ART “gallery SONO” consists of three concept rooms and a Japanese-style exhibition space that makes the most of the old private house that serves as its base.

This space, which used to be an old folk house, represents “Japanese history.” By coexisting in harmony with contemporary artworks that symbolize “modernity,” it offers new possibilities while maintaining balance.

The word “SONO,” from which the name is derived, means “a place where art gathers.” Thus, the gallery is a place where artists can interact and build relationships, and where culture and art can be shared.

DDD ART 凪 ~nagi~

DDD ART「gallery 凪」はホワイトキューブを模 したシンプルで落ち着いた空間と床柱や屋根組を そのまま活かした内装が特徴です。


また名前の由来になっている「凪」という言葉 は” 穏やかな状態” と言う意味を含み、これから 新たな表現や活動を起こす” 場” として若手作家 を応援し、まっさらな空間として様々な表現活動 を行えます。

DDD ART “gallery NAGI” is a simple and calm space in the form of a white cube, with an interior that makes use of the original wooden floor pillars and roof structure.

The white wall and bright room can accommodate a variety of artworks and expressions, and function as a blank canvas.

The word “NAGI” in the name of the space means “calm” and supports young artists as a “place” where new expressions and activities can take place.