AR × Koichiro Takagi コラボ展示「SMELLS LIKE MELLOW」
AR × koichiro Takagi コラボ展示「SMELLS LIKE MELLOW」
3月16日(土) – 3月24日(日)
at gallery苑

この度DDD ART 苑では現代アーティスト、高木耕一郎とARによる2人展”SMELLS LIKE MELLOW”を開催いたします高木耕一郎とAR、二人の作品には共通して動物からモンスター、実在から架空まで擬人化されたさまざまな生き物が登場するまるでグリム童話のようなメルヘンと恐怖を持ち合わせた世界やアニメから飛び出してきたようなポップさとそれに相反するパンクがいりまじったような混沌とした世界そんなさまざまな世界から溢れでた生命の香りを感じとってほしいという想いから”SMELLS LIKE MELLOW”(芳醇な香り)というタイトルが決まりました是非、”SMELLS LIKE MELLOW”を感じにDDDARTまで脚を運び本展をご高覧ください。
リストや作品のお問い合わせはDDD ARTへDMもしくはメールにてお問い合わせください
※17日は作家在廊によるワークショップを開催予定です詳細はDDD ARTまでお問合せくださいませ
AR(Yuki Iwata)@allraid_g
静岡県清水生まれ。デザイン事務所、アパレルメーカーを経てグラフィックデザインを中心としたALLRAID GRAPHICSを設立。(現在は株式会社オールレイド/ALLRAID inc.)
今回はそんな中でもアルファベットを擬人化したオリジナルキャラクター”MONSTER FONT”※1の作品を展示している。
※1 “MONSTER FONT”は、通常1文字単体では意味をなさないアルファベットに1文字ごと個性や意味を与え、あらたなキャラクターとして生まれたオリジナルFONT
Koichiro Takagi @koichiroakagi
サンフランシスコのアートスクールを卒業後しばらくNYを拠点にして帰国。高木の作品はカトリック教会やファインアートからハードコア、 スケートボード、 マンガ、ぬいぐるみ、終末論などのカウンターカルチャーまで幅広い子供のころからの影響を色濃く反映する、またペインティングから刺繍まで作風の幅も広い。
そこには動物を主人公にした作品だからこその匿名性と神秘性が内包され、 親近感と違和感が混在する奇妙な居心地の悪さを生む。
Koichiro Takagi and AR, their works share a variety of anthropomorphic creatures from animals to monsters, real or fictional. Their works are like Grimms’ fairy tales, a world of fairy tales and horror, a pop world that seems to have jumped out of an anime, and a punk world that is at odds with this chaotic world.
The title “SMELLS LIKE MELLOW” (mellow fragrance) was chosen in the hope that the audience will be able to sense the scent of life that overflows from these various worlds.
Please come to DDDART to feel “SMELLS LIKE MELLOW” and visit this exhibition!
All works will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
For a list or more information, please contact DDD ART by DM or email.
Please contact DDD ART by DM or email.
The opening reception party will be held on the first day of the exhibition.
Opening reception party will be held.
Workshop will be held on the 17th with the artist in the gallery.
For more information, please contact DDD ART.
※International shipping is available.
AR (Yuki Iwata) @allraid_g
Born in Shimizu, Shizuoka. After working for a design office and an apparel manufacturer, established ALLRAID GRAPHICS, focusing on graphic design. (Currently ALLRAID Inc.).
Influenced by HIP-HOP and street culture, especially graffiti, his works are often based on the theme of “letters” themselves or combining illustrations with “letters”.
The act of combining letters in the works of AR, who is both a graphic designer and an artist, is an exquisite balance of his career as a graphic designer.
In this exhibition, AR exhibits his original character “MONSTER FONT “*1, which is a personification of the alphabet.
1 “MONSTER FONT” is an original font that gives individuality and meaning to each letter of the alphabet, which normally has no meaning on its own, and was created as a new character.
Koichiro Takagi @koichiroakagi
After graduating from an art school in San Francisco, Takagi lived and worked in New York for a while before returning to Japan. Takagi’s work reflects a wide range of influences from his childhood, from the Catholic Church and fine art to hardcore, skateboarding, manga, stuffed animals, and counterculture such as the doomsday movement. However, despite his wide range of expression, his works consistently contain a certain uncomfortableness and contradiction. The motif of “people” almost never appears in his works. Most of his motifs are animals or anthropomorphic animals, sometimes cute, sometimes glaring at the viewer with their fangs pointed at you.
The anonymity and mysteriousness of these works, which are only possible because they feature animals as protagonists, create a strange and uncomfortable mix of familiarity and discomfort.
The work reflects a wide range of influences from his childhood, and creates a mysterious world by distorting and patchworking the present and the past, reality and fantasy.