Fanko 個展 「喜びも悲しみも」
at Gallery 苑

Fanko 「喜びも悲しみも」at Gallery 苑

3月29日(金) – 4月21日(日)
OPEN 平 日 14:00 – 21:00
土日祝 12:00 – 19:00
CLOSE 月曜日・火曜日
Fanko @fankofanko.o
Fanko “Times of joy and sorrow” at Gallery Sono
Daily life is mixing with big and small things, no matter joy or sorrow. These things will trigger a lot of emotions but sometimes we just forgot those subtle feelings.
“I recorded those feelings as a diary.” —- Fanko said.
Wish you could find those feelings back through this little puppy.
Dates 3/29 – 4/21
Weekdays from 2pm to 9pm
Weekends from 12pm to 7pm
Closed on Monday and Tuesday
*An entry system is in place for the purchase of art by 4/14. From 4/17, they will be store sells.
Please DM or send an email to us if you have any requests.
World wide shipping is available.
Fanko @fankofanko.o
Born in 1989. Based in Taipei, Taiwan / A full time illustrator
Make conversation with society and own life by my creations.
Like to using acrylic, oil pastel, pencil and combine photography to present reality and virtuality.
Fanko makes her life experiences into some different interesting creations through paintings and photography.
Without any formal training in art, Fanko’s inspiration comes from mangas and picture books which was read in her childhood.
That’s why she often painted in a very bold and straightforward way.
The short-term goal is to continue to create interesting works that relates to herself and the audience.